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Sean Doolittle:
2007 Bowman Draft Draft Picks Printing Plate Cyan #BDPP50 1/1 |
2007 Bowman Draft Draft Picks Printing Plate Cyan #BDPP50 1/1 |
2016 Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plate Magenta #347 1/1 |
2016 Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plate Magenta #347 1/1 |
2015 Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plate Black #209 1/1 |
2015 Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plate Black #209 1/1 |
2016 Topps Printing Plate Yellow #119 1/1 |
2016 Topps Printing Plate Yellow #119 1/1 |
2006-07 USA Baseball Today and Tomorrow Signatures Black #TT5 Doolittle/Freeman 241/295 |
2016 Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relic Autographs Sapphire #UAJR-SD 08/10 |
2013 Topps Sapphire RC #85 08/25 |
2013 Topps Black RC #85 31/62 |
2013 Topps Chrome Camo Refractors RC #147 04/15 |
2013 Topps Chrome Red Refractors RC #147 11/25 |
2013 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors RC #147 46/50 |
2013 Topps Chrome Sepia Refractors RC #147 37/75 |
2013 Bowman Chrome Yellow Refractors RC #212 02/10 |
2013 Bowman Chrome Black Refractors RC #212 04/15 |
2013 Bowman Chrome Orange Refractors RC #212 23/25 |
2013 Bowman Chrome Magenta Refractors RC #212 27/35 |
2013 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors RC #212 47/50 |
2013 Bowman Chrome Blue Refractors RC #212 080/250 |
2007 Bowman Chrome Draft Draft Picks Gold Refractors #BDPP50 07/50 |
2007 Bowman Chrome Draft Draft Picks Blue Refractors #BDPP50 098/199 |
2014 Topps Black #226 05/63 |
2014 Topps Update Black #US305 AS 22/63 |
2016 Topps Black #119 61/65 |
2017 Topps Black #157 22/66 |
2016 Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Brooklyn Back #347 06/25 |
2016 Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Brooklyn Back #347 06/25 |
2016 Topps Clear #119 09/10 |
2016 Topps Framed #119 12/16 |
2016 Topps Pink #116 15/50 |
2015 Topps Tier One New Guard Autographs Silver Ink #NGA-SDE 07/10 |
2015 Topps Tier One New Guard Autographs Silver Ink #NGA-SDO 03/10 |
2015 Topps Tier One New Guard Autographs Bronze Ink #NGA-SDO 13/25 |
2016 Topps Triple Threads Relic Autographs #TTAR-SD1 08/18 |
2016 Topps Triple Threads Relic Autographs #TTAR-SD3 02/18 |
2016 Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relic Autographs Emerald #UAJR-SD 42/50 |
2005-06 USA Baseball National Team Opening Day Jersey Signature Blue #SD-GU 169/350 |
2005-06 USA Baseball National Team Leaders Dual Signatures Black #TL1 Arencibia/Doolittle 129/250 |
2006-07 USA Baseball Signatures Red #A14 087/100 |
2006-07 USA Baseball Signatures Jersey Blue #AJ14 140/150 |
2008 Donruss Elite Extra Edition Collegiate Patches Autographs #CP16 199/250 |
2008 Just Signing Date Autographs Gold #83 6/50 |
2009 Tristar PROjections Autographs Orange #168 5/5 |
2015 Topps Tier One New Guard Autographs #NGA-SDE 299/349 |
2015 Topps Tier One New Guard Autographs #NGA-SDO 212/349 |
2016 Topps Gold Label Framed Autographs Gold Frame #GLFA-SD |
2017 Topps Museum Collection Meaningful Material Relics Copper #MM-SD 30/35 |
2015 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors #41 40/50 |
2016 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors #112 33/50 |
2013 Panini Prizm Prizms Gold RC #281 03/10 |
2013 Panini Prizm Prizms Orange Die Cut RC #281 23/60 |
2005-06 USA Baseball National Team Vision of the Future #A7 |
2013 Topps Mini Gold RC #85 22/62 |
2013 Topps Mini Pink RC #85 13/25 |
2014 Topps Mini Pink #226 20/25 |
2015 Topps Triple Threads Sapphire #65 07/25 |
2017 Topps Bunt Orange #73 14/50 |
2017 Topps Heritage Mini #67 015/100 |
Coco Crisp:
2013 Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plate Black #237 1/1 |
2013 Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plate Black #237 1/1 |
2015 Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plate Cyan #48 1/1 |
2015 Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plate Cyan #48 1/1 |
2012 Topps Printing Plate Yellow #374 1/1 |
2012 Topps Printing Plate Yellow #374 1/1 |
2013 Topps Gypsy Queen Glove Stories Printing Plate Magenta #GS-CC 1/1 |
2013 Topps Gypsy Queen Glove Stories Printing Plate Magenta #GS-CC 1/1 |
2014 Bowman Printing Plate Black #15 1/1 |
2014 Bowman Printing Plate Black #15 1/1 |
2016 Topps Printing Plate Magenta #111 1/1 |
2016 Topps Printing Plate Magenta #111 1/1 |
2013 Topps Gypsy Queen Hometown Currency Coins #237 4/5 |
2010 Topps Update Black #US312 57/59 |
2011 Topps Black #190 55/60 |
2012 Topps Black #374 39/61 |
2013 Topps Black #408 27/62 |
2014 Topps Black #8 59/63 |
2015 Topps Black #279 33/64 |
2016 Topps Black #111 09/65 |
2015 Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Flag Back #48 23/25 |
2015 Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Flag Back #48 23/25 |
2015 Bowman Red Ice #65 2/5 |
2014 Bowman Purple Ice #15 07/10 |
2016 Topps Clear #111 10/10 |
2015 Topps Framed #279 15/20 |
2010 Topps Update Silk 43/50 |
2011 Topps Hope Diamond #190 22/60 |
2013 Topps Pink #408 45/50 |
2014 Topps Pink #8 11/50 |
2015 Topps Pink #279 49/50 |
2013 Bowman Chrome Black Refractors #161 12/15 |
2013 Bowman Chrome Orange Refractors #161 11/25 |
2013 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors #161 40/50 |
2019 Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Edition '11 Topps Heritage 36/39 |
2006 Flair Showcase Autographics #SC-CC |
2012 Topps Factory Set Orange #374 165/190 |
2013 Bowman Red Ice #29 06/25 |
2013 Topps Camo #408 29/99 |
2014 Panini Prizm Prizms Gold #111 04/10 |
2014 Panini Prizm Top of the Order Prizms Gold #13 02/10 |
2014 Topps Camo #8 13/99 |
2014 Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Sepia #257 14/50 |
2016 Topps Now #276 (print run: 251) |
Jemile Weeks:
2011 Bowman Sterling Rookie Autographs Printing Plate Black #21 1/1 |
2011 Bowman Sterling Rookie Autographs Printing Plate Cyan #21 1/1 |
2011 Bowman Sterling Rookie Autographs Printing Plate Magenta #21 1/1 |
2012 Topps Tier One On the Rise Autographs Gold Ink #OR-JW 1/1 |
2013 Topps Museum Collection Momentous Material Jumbo Relics Gold Rainbow #MMJR-JWE 1/1 |
2011 Bowman Chrome Prospects Autograph Superfractor (unsigned backdoor sample - card never made) |
2012 Bowman Blank Back RC #61 1/1 |
2012 Bowman Blank Back RC #61 1/1 |
2012 Bowman Printing Plate Cyan RC #61 1/1 |
2012 Bowman Printing Plate Cyan RC #61 1/1 |
2012 Bowman Printing Plate Magenta RC #61 1/1 |
2012 Bowman Printing Plate Magenta RC #61 1/1 |
2012 Topps Chrome Printing Plate Yellow RC #99 1/1 |
2012 Topps Chrome Printing Plate Yellow RC #99 1/1 |
2012 Topps Mini Printing Plate Black RC #640 1/1 |
2012 Topps Mini Printing Plate Black RC #640 1/1 |
2013 Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plate Black #214 1/1 |
2013 Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plate Black #214 1/1 |
2013 Topps Mini Printing Plate Magenta #23 1/1 |
2013 Topps Mini Printing Plate Magenta #23 1/1 |
2011 Bowman Sterling Rookie Autographs Black Refractors #21 04/25 |
2011 Bowman Sterling Rookie Autographs Gold Refractors #21 46/50 |
2011 Bowman Sterling Rookie Autographs Refractors #21 097/199 |
2011 Bowman Sterling Dual Relics Purple Refractors #DRB-WW Weeks/Weeks 07/10 |
2011 Bowman Sterling Dual Relics Black Refractors #DRB-WW Weeks/Weeks 23/25 |
2011 Bowman Sterling Dual Relics Gold Refractors #DRB-WW Weeks/Weeks 25/50 |
2012 Panini National Treasures Black RC #180 07/10 |
2012 Panini National Treasures Gold RC #180 12/25 |
2012 Panini National Treasures RC #180 36/99 |
2013 Topps Gypsy Queen Hometown Currency Coins #214 4/5 |
2012 Topps Black RC #640 55/61 |
2012 Topps Silk 19/50 |
2013 Topps Sapphire #23 05/25 |
2013 Topps Black #23 15/62 |
2013 Topps Pink #23 23/50 |
2012 Bowman Chrome Red Refractors RC #75 2/5 |
2012 Bowman Chrome Orange Refractors RC #75 17/25 |
2012 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors RC #75 38/50 |
2012 Topps Chrome Atomic Refractors RC #99 08/10 |
2012 Topps Chrome Red Refractors RC #99 02/25 |
2012 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors RC #99 15/50 |
2012 Topps Triple Threads Sapphire #112 04/10 |
2012 Topps Triple Threads Gold #112 14/25 |
2012 Topps Triple Threads Emerald #112 26/50 |
2012 Topps Triple Threads Sepia #112 41/75 |
2012 Topps Triple Threads #112 73/99 |
2012 Topps Museum Collection Momentous Material Jumbo Relic Autographs #MMJAR-JW 09/10 |
2012 Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Dual Relic Autographs Gold #SSADR-JW 24/25 |
2012 Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Dual Relic Autographs #SSADR-JW 034/250 |
2012 Topps Triple Threads Unity Relics Sapphire #TTUR144 1/3 |
2012 Topps Triple Threads Unity Relics Gold #TTUR144 8/9 |
2012 Topps Triple Threads Unity Relics Emerald #TTUR144 14/18 |
2012 Topps Triple Threads Unity Relics Sepia #TTUR144 12/27 |
2012 Topps Triple Threads Unity Relics #TTUR144 09/36 |
2012 Prime Cuts Century Platinum RC #71 4/5 |
2012 Prime Cuts Century Gold RC #71 16/25 |
2012 Panini Signature Series Rookies Game Ball Signatures #121 126/299 |
2012 Topps Tier One On the Rise Autographs Silver Ink #OR-JWE 06/10 |
2012 Topps Tier One On the Rise Autographs Silver Ink #OR-JW 05/10 |
2012 Topps Tier One On the Rise Autographs White Ink #OR-JWE 18/25 |
2012 Topps Tier One On the Rise Autographs White Ink #OR-JW 05/25 |
2012 Topps Tier One On the Rise Autographs #OR-JWE 225/235 |
2012 Topps Tier One On the Rise Autographs #OR-JW 078/235 |
2012 Topps Update Golden Debut Autographs Gold #GDA-JW 07/10 |
2008 Razor Letterman 20 #JW-K 17/20 |
2008 Razor Signature Series Metal Autographs Blue #AU-JW (print run: 53) |
2013 Topps Museum Collection Momentous Material Jumbo Relics Gold #MMJR-JWE 18/35 |
2013 Topps Museum Collection Momentous Material Jumbo Relics #MMJR-JWE 33/50 |
2010 Topps Pro Debut Futures Game Jersey Gold #FGR-JW 22/25 |
2010 Topps Pro Debut Futures Game Jersey #FGR-JW 038/139 |
2011 Topps Pro Debut Gold #37 20/50 |
2012 Bowman Red Ice RC #61 14/25 |
2013 Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Sepia #214 37/50 |
2012 Topps Tribute Autographs #TA-JWK 58/99, #TA-JWK1 47/99
2012 Topps Tribute Autographs Blue #TA-JWK 13/50, #TA-JWK1 03/50
2012 Topps Tribute Autographs Orange #TA-JWK 24/25, #TA-JWK1 22/25
2012 Topps Tribute Autographs Gold #TA-JWK 11/15
2012 Topps Tribute Autographs Printing Plates Cyan #TA-JWK 1/1
Derek Norris:
2012 Bowman Sterling Superfractors RC #21 1/1 |
2012 Bowman Sterling Superfractors RC #21 1/1 |
2012 Bowman Sterling Gold Canary Diamond Refractors RC #21 1/1 |
2012 Bowman Sterling Gold Canary Diamond Refractors RC #21 1/1 |
2012 Bowman Sterling Rookie Autographs Red Refractors #BSAR-DN 1/1 |
2012 Bowman Sterling Rookie Autographs Red Refractors #BSAR-DN 1/1 |
2013 Topps Triple Threads Relic Autographs White Whale Printing Plates #TTAR-DN1 1/1 |
2013 Topps Triple Threads Relic Autographs White Whale Printing Plates #TTAR-DN1 1/1 |
2012 Bowman Chrome Draft Printing Plate Cyan RC #43 1/1 |
2012 Bowman Chrome Draft Printing Plate Cyan RC #43 1/1 |
2012 Bowman Chrome Draft Printing Plate Magenta RC #43 1/1 |
2012 Bowman Chrome Draft Printing Plate Magenta RC #43 1/1 |
2012 Bowman Draft Printing Plate Black RC #43 1/1 |
2012 Bowman Draft Printing Plate Black RC #43 1/1 |
2013 Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plate Magenta #38 1/1 |
2013 Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plate Magenta #38 1/1 |
2014 Topps Update Printing Plate Cyan #US201 AS 1/1 |
2014 Topps Update Printing Plate Cyan #US201 AS 1/1 |
2012 Bowman Chrome Red Refractors RC #11 3/5 |
2012 Bowman Chrome Draft Red Refractors RC #43 5/5 |
2012 Bowman Chrome Orange Refractors RC #11 09/25 |
2012 Bowman Chrome Draft Orange Refractors RC #43 03/25 |
2012 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors RC #11 46/50 |
2012 Bowman Chrome Draft Gold Refractors RC #43 24/50 |
2012 Bowman Sterling Rookie Autographs Black Refractors #BSAR-DN 07/25 |
2012 Bowman Sterling Rookie Autographs Gold Refractors #BSAR-DN 29/50 |
2012 Bowman Sterling Rookie Autographs Refractors #BSAR-DN 096/199 |
2012 Bowman Sterling Purple Refractors RC #21 10/10 |
2012 Bowman Sterling Black Refractors RC #21 18/25 |
2012 Bowman Sterling Gold Refractors RC #21 15/50 |
2012 Bowman Platinum Prospect Autographs Atomic Refractors #AP-DNO 3/5 |
2012 Bowman Platinum Prospect Autographs Red Refractors #AP-DNO 05/25 |
2012 Bowman Platinum Prospect Autographs Gold Refractors #AP-DNO 18/50 |
2012 Bowman Platinum Prospect Autographs Blue Refractors #AP-DNO 070/199 |
2012 Bowman Draft Purple Ice RC #43 07/10 |
2012 Bowman Draft Red Ice RC #43 21/25 |
2013 Topps Triple Threads Relic Autographs Sapphire #TTAR-DN1 3/3 |
2013 Topps Triple Threads Relic Autographs Gold #TTAR-DN3 4/9 |
2013 Topps Triple Threads Relic Autographs #TTAR-DN1 10/18 |
2013 Topps Triple Threads Relic Autographs #TTAR-DN2 12/18 |
2013 Topps Triple Threads Black Silver Ink #130 20/25 |
2013 Topps Triple Threads Emerald #130 36/50 |
2013 Topps Triple Threads Sepia #130 52/75 |
2013 Topps Triple Threads #130 62/99 |
2012 Panini National Treasures RC #168 22/99 |
2012 Panini Signature Series Rated Rookie Autograph #159 51/99 |
2012 Panini Signature Series MLBPA Logo Autograph #159 74/99 |
2012 Topps Update Black RC #US65 11/61 |
2013 Topps Black #334 39/62 |
2014 Topps Black #346 27/63 |
2014 Topps Update Black #US201 AS 35/63 |
2014 Topps Update Clear #US201 AS 09/10 |
2013 Topps Silk 50/50 |
2013 Topps Pink #334 23/50 |
2014 Topps Pink #346 06/50 |
2014 Topps Update Pink #US201 AS 36/50 |
2014 Topps 1st Edition #346 |
2012 Topps Update Orange #US65 097/210 |
2010 Bowman Chrome Topps 100 Gold Refractors #TPC35 05/50 |
Other Players Non-A's Cards:
2005 Topps Update Printing Plate Cyan #UH264 Brandon McCarthy RC 1/1 |
2005 Topps Update Printing Plate Cyan #UH264 Brandon McCarthy RC 1/1 |
1995 Classic Five Sport Autographs Numbered Batolo Colon 178/225 |
2000 Bowman Autographs #AD Adam Dunn |
2001 Bowman Draft Autographs #BDPA-RMM Ryan Madson |
2001 SPx Jersey Autograph #139 Brandon Inge |
2002 Upper Deck Prospect Premieres Autograph #95 Scott Kazmir XRC |
2004 Bowman's Best Green Autograph #BB-LTH Luke Hughes (print run: 50) |
2004 Elite Extra Edition Autograph #230 Scott Kazmir RC 300/350 |
2004 Elite Extra Edition Autograph #252 Ben Zobrist RC 0621/1178 |
2005 Bowman Chrome Refractor Autograph #353 Billy Butler RC 313/500 |
2005 Bowman Sterling Jersey Autograph #BS-JL Jed Lowrie RC |
2005 Bowman Sterling Jersey Autograph Refractor #BS-JL Jed Lowrie RC 090/199 |
2005 Ultimate Signature Autograph #114 Brandon McCarthy RC 066/125 |
2006 Bowman Chrome Prospects Autograph #BC239 Jon Lester |
2006 Bowman Originals Buyback Autographs '05 Bowman Draft #BDP93 Jed Lowrie 274/716 |
2006 Sweet Spot Signatures Red Stitch Blue Ink #169 Scott Kazmir 075/150 |
2006 Topps Autographs Green #TA-BM Brandon McCarthy |
2006 Topps '52 Signatures #52S-SD Stephen Drew |
2006 Topps Triple Threads Jersey Autograph Sepia #113 Rich Hill 098/125 |
2007 Bowman Chrome Prospects Autograph Refractors #BC227 Jeff Samardzija 184/500 |
2008 Bowman Chrome Draft Prospects Autograph #BDPP116 Ike Davis |
2008 Bowman Chrome Prospects Autograph Blue Refractors #BCP264 John Jaso 085/150 |
2008 Bowman Chrome Prospects Autograph Gold Refractors #BCP264 John Jaso 03/50 |
2008 Finest Rookie Redemption Autograph #10 Jed Lowrie |
2008 Topps Triple Threads Jersey/Autograph Emerald #170 Sam Fuld 46/50 |
2008 Topps Triple Threads Jersey/Autograph Sepia #158 Seth Smith 08/75 |
2008 USA Baseball Bound for Beijing II Signature Jersey #WC3 Jerry Blevins 30/50 |
2008 Sweet Spot USA Signatures Red Stitch Black Ink #USA-AG A.J. Griffin 022/230 |
2008 Ultimate Collection USA Baseball Jersey Autographs #USA-AG A.J. Griffin 04/25 |
2009 Bowman Chrome Prospects Autograph Blue Refractors #BCP127 Eric Sogard 145/150 |
2009 Bowman Chrome Prospects Autograph Gold Refractors #BCP127 Eric Sogard 28/50 |
2009 Bowman Chrome Prospects Autograph Orange Refractors #BCP127 Eric Sogard 11/25 |
2009-10 USA Baseball Patch Autograph Parallel #USA73 Drew Pomeranz 14/99 |
2010 Bowman Chrome Draft Prospect Autographs Refractors #BDPP82 Drew Pomeranz 189/500 |
2011 Bowman Chrome Rookie Autographs Refractors #210 Yonder Alonso RC 482/500 |
2012 Topps Chrome Rookie Autographs #173 Brett Lawrie RC |
2014 Bowman Chrome Prospect Autographs Blue Refractors #BCAP-BB Billy Burns 005/150 |
2014 Bowman Chrome Prospect Autographs Blue Wave Refractors #BCAP-BB Billy Burns 48/50 |
2008-09 USA Baseball National Team Jersey Patch #NT-AG A.J. Griffin 45/50 |
2012 USA Baseball Collegiate National Team Patches #22 Bobby Wahl 13/35 |
2013 Elite Extra Edition USA Baseball 18U Game Jerseys Prime #10 Trace Loehr 39/49 |
1992 Bowman #532 Manny Ramirez RC PSA 8 |
2007 Bowman Chrome Draft Draft Picks Gold Refractors #BDPP18 11/50 |
2007 Donruss Elite Extra Edition Aspirations #53 Eric Sogard 001/100 |
2009 Topps Chrome Superfractors #187 Jesse Chavez RC (unnumbered backdoor replacement) |
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E-Mail Richard@dilfer.com