Other Early to Mid 2000's
Oakland A's Collection

My favorite cards of other players
from the early to mid 2000's A's teams.

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Last Updated: 5/29/2023

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Jermaine Dye:

2003 Donruss Elite Aspirations Gold
#55 1/1

2004 Bowman Heritage Printing Plates Magenta
#5 1/1

2004 Bowman Heritage Printing Plates
Magenta #5 1/1

2005 Prime Patches Portraits
Autograph Team Logo Patch #P39

2002 Topps Autographs #TA-JD

2003 Topps Black #4 52/52

2003 Topps Black #4 52/52

2004 Topps Black #579 22/53

2003 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors
#67 057/170

2004 Studio Proofs Platinum
#262 07/10

2001 Leaf Rookies and Stars
Longevity #52 29/50

2002 Topps Chrome Black
Refractors #633 34/50

2003 Topps Chrome Uncirculated
X-Fractors #49 44/50

2004 Topps Chrome Red
X-Fractors #322 (print run: 61)

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric
Rainbow #36 32/40

2001 Donruss Class of 2001
First Class Autographs #89 031/100

2002 Absolute Memorabilia Absolutely Ink #AI26
(print run: 125)

2003 Absolute Memorabilia Absolutely Ink #AI18

2003 Donruss Champions Autographs
#185 027/125

2003 Studio Private Signings #66 23/25

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue Autograph #152 029/100

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
White Autograph #152 031/100

2019 Topps Archives Fan Favorites
Autographs #FFA-JD

2019 Topps Archives Fan Favorites
Autographs Silver #FFA-JD 94/99

2019 Topps Archives Fan Favorites
Autographs Blue #FFA-JD 05/25

2002 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Red #118 149/150

2002 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue #118 04/75

2002 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold #118 22/25

2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection BLH Bat
#462 138/200

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
White Bat #152 193/200

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Red Bat #152 164/250

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue Bat #152 070/100

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold Bat #152 08/25

1995 Bowman's Best Refractors

2001 Topps Chrome Traded
Retrofractors #T69

2002 Donruss Season Stat Line #70

2002 Donruss Elite Aspirations #7 16/24

2002 Donruss Elite Status #7 06/76

2002 E-X Essential Credentials
Now #71 06/71

2002 E-X Essential Credentials
Future #71 077/115

2002 Finest X-Fractors Protectors
#33 28/99

2002 Fleer Platinum Parallel #77 058/202

2002 Fleer Premium Star Ruby #SR62 059/125

2002 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity
#77 019/100

2003 Diamond Kings Gold Foil
#53 029/100

2003 Donruss Champions Holofoil
#185 15/25

2003 Donruss Elite Aspirations #55

2003 Leaf Blue Press Proofs
#82 30/50

2003 Leaf Green #82 05/25

2003 Topps Chrome Black Refractors
#49 098/199

2003 Upper Deck MVP Black #149

2004 Donruss Elite Extra Edition
Aspirations #29 08/76

2004 Donruss Elite Extra Edition
Aspirations Gold #29 13/25

2004 Donruss Elite Extra Edition
Status #29 17/24

2004 Donruss Team Heroes
Showdown Silver #302 18/50

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue #152 12/50

2004 Leaf Limited Gold Spotlight
#61 17/25

2005 Leaf Century Post Marks
Gold #164 44/50


Mark Ellis:

2008 SP Authentic By the Letter
Autographs #BL-ME 'K' 95/99

2008 SP Authentic By the Letter
Autographs #BL-ME 'N' 61/99

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold Materials #139 25/25

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold #139 02/25

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue Materials #139 040/100

2003 Topps Black #388 33/52

2004 Topps Black #419 17/53

2005 Topps Black #614 41/54

2006 Topps Black #219 11/55

2007 Topps Copper #202 26/56

2008 Topps Black #394 38/57

2009 Topps Black #406 12/58

2010 Topps Update Black #US238

2011 Topps Black #17 26/60

2011 Topps Hope Diamond
Anniversary #17 58/60

2003 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors
#122 108/170

2002 Donruss Elite Turn of the Century
Autographs #195 0096/1500
(first 125 signed)

2008 Stadium Club Beam Team
Autographs Gold #BTA-ME 11/50

2007 Exquisite Collection Rookie Signatures
Reflections Autographs Gold #REF-EP
Ellis/Putnam 10/20

2008 Topps Co-Signers Dual Autographs
#CS-CE Cust/Ellis

2002 Leaf Clubhouse Signatures Silver 037/100

2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandems Swatch
Single Spectrum Prime Black #TT82
Ellis/Long 020/150

2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Material
Prime #218 83/92

2002 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue #156 11/75

2002 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Red #156 074/150

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Red Material #139 213/250

2000 Bowman Chrome Refractors #244

2000 Bowman Chrome Retro/Future
Refractors #244

2002 Donruss Elite Status #195 09/86

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric
Rainbow #51 26/40

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue #139 15/50

2003 Topps Chrome Black Refractors
#237 172/199

2003 Topps Chrome Silver Refractors

2003 Upper Deck 40-Man
Rainbow #40 14/40

2004 Donruss Season Stat Line
#167 02/78

2004 Topps Chrome Black Refractors #419

2004 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors
#419 (print run: 61)

2006 Topps Turkey Red Gold #334

2006 Upper Deck Special F/X Red #735 02/50

2008 Finest Moments Gold Refractors
#FM-ME 39/50

2008 Finest Moments Red Refractors
#FM-ME 21/25

2008 Topps Triple Threads Sapphire
#26 19/25

2010 Upper Deck Gold #362 73/99


Terrence Long:

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Black Autograph #138 1/1

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Black Autograph #138 1/1

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Emerald Autograph #138 04/05

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Emerald Material #138 05/05

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Emerald #138 01/05

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold Material #138 11/25

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold Autograph #138 18/25

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold #138 18/25

2003 Leaf Certified Materials
Mirror Red Autograph #138 06/15

2002 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Emerald #41 1/5

2002 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold #41 19/25

2005 Topps Rookie Cup Reprints
Chrome Refractors #120 06/15

2001 Donruss Elite Status #90 06/12

2001 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold #87 01/25

2001 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold #87 01/25

2002 Topps Chrome Black Refractors #215 03/50

2003 Topps Chrome Uncirculated X-Fractors
#152 40/50

2003 Topps Black #175 03/52

2004 Topps Black #65 17/53

2001 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity
#53 32/50

2001 Ultra Platinum Medallion #105P 48/50

2001 Bowman's Best Autographs

2001 Donruss Class of 2001 First
Class Autographs #73 037/100

2001 Fleer Autographics

2001 Fleer Autographics Silver 203/250

2001 Fleer Autographics Gold 30/50

2001 Topps Heritage Autographs #THA-TL

2002 Absolute Memorabilia Absolutely Ink #AI53

2002 Studio Private Signings #135 112/150

2002 Topps Autographs #TA7

2003 Donruss Champions Autographs
#189 148/250

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue Autograph #138 15/50

2004 Leaf Autographs Second Edition

2001 Absolute Memorabilia Ball Hoggs
#BH46 096/100

2002 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue #41 37/75

2002 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Red #41 064/150

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue Material #138 054/100

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Red Material #138 005/250

2000 Crown Royale Platinum Blue #103 09/75

2000 SP Authentic Limited #131 FW

2000 Ultimate Victory Parallel 100
#7 029/100

2000 Upper Deck Exclusives Silver
#274 043/100

2001 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #63 07/99

2001 Donruss Chicago Collection
#90 05/05

2001 Donruss Elite Aspirations #90

2001 Donruss Signature Hawaii
#87 15/25

2001 Fleer Premium Star Rubies
#SR108 030/125

2001 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Red #87 34/75

2001 Private Stock Gold Portraits
#86 75/75

2001 Topps Employee #278

2001 Topps Chrome Retrofractors

2001 Topps Heritage Chrome
#CP25 298/552

2001 Topps Stars Elimination #72
(print run: 100)

2001 Topps Stars Onyx #72 43/99

2001 Upper Deck Exclusives Silver
#57 086/100

2002 Donruss Season Stat Line #71 14/85

2002 Donruss Elite Status #74 01/88

2002 Fleer Platinum Parallel #164 011/202

2002 Fleer Premium Star Rubies
#SR94 085/125

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man
Electric Rainbow #45 18/40

2003 Donruss Season Stat Line
#176 52/67

2003 Donruss Champions Holo-Foil
#189 02/25

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue #138 46/50

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Red #138 024/100

2003 Topps Chrome Black Refractors
#152 003/199

2003 Upper Deck 40-Man
Rainbow #33 23/40

2004 Donruss Season Stat Line #172

2004 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors
#65 (print run: 63)


Ted Lilly:

2012 Bowman Red #56 1/1

2012 Bowman Red #56 1/1

1998 Bowman Chrome Golden
Anniversary Refractors RC #183 2/5

1998 Bowman Chrome Golden Anniversary Refractors
#183 2/5

1998 Bowman Chrome Golden
Anniversary RC #183 30/50

2010 Topps Triple Threads All-Star Jumbo Patches
#TTASP38 2/9

2007 Bowman Chrome Printing
Plate Cyan #174 1/1

2007 Bowman Chrome Printing
Plate Cyan #174 1/1

2011 Topps Printing Plate
Magenta #36 1/1

2011 Topps Printing Plate
Magenta #36 1/1

2012 Topps Gypsy Queen Printing
Plate Yellow #31 1/1

2012 Topps Gypsy Queen Printing
Plate Yellow #31 1/1

2003 Topps Black #429 29/52

2003 Topps Chrome X-Fractors #265

2002 Topps Chrome Traded Black
Refractors #T101 061/100

2003 Donruss Season Stat Line #179

2003 Leaf Press Proofs Blue
#87 05/50

2003 Topps Chrome Black
Refractors #265 053/199

2003 Topps Chrome Silver
Refractors #265

2004 Donruss Season Stat Line #171

2006 Topps Black #336 23/55

2008 Topps Black #609 47/57

2009 Topps Black #569 40/58

2009 Topps Update Black #UH222
AS 52/58

2010 Topps Black #14 33/59

2010 Topps Update Black #US222

2012 Topps Black #122 56/61

2013 Topps Black #263 41/62

2011 Topps Hope Diamond
Anniversary #36 35/60

2012 Bowman Chrome Red Refractors
#186 4/5

2008 Topps Heritage Chrome
Black Refractors #C176 13/59

2004 Upper Deck Etchings Etched
in Time Autograph Black #ET-TL

2004 Upper Deck Etchings Etched
in Time Autograph Blue #ET-TL

2009 Topps Update All-Star Stitches Gold
#AST38 12/50

1998 Bowman Chrome International
Refractors RC #183

1999 Bowman Chrome International
Refractors #366 058/100

2002 Topps Chrome Black Refractors
#132 15/50

2004 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors
#351 (print run: 61)

2005 Ultra Platinum Medallion #27

2006 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #2 16/50

2006 Bowman Chrome Orange
Refractors #2 06/25

2006 Topps Chrome Red Refractors
#151 76/90

2006 Upper Deck Special F/X
Blue #483

2007 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #174 02/50

2009 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #17 05/50

2009 Bowman Chrome Orange
Refractors #17 07/25

2009 O-Pee-Chee Black Mini #361

2009 Upper Deck Gold #68 26/99

2009 Upper Deck Gold #575 87/99

2010 Finest Gold Refractors #95

2012 Bowman Red Ice #56 08/25

2012 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #186 11/50

2013 Topps Mini Gold #263 11/62

2013 Topps Mini Pink #263 24/25


Johnny Damon:

2001 Upper Deck Gold Glove Leather Bound
Autograph #SLB-JD

2001 Upper Deck Gold Glove Leather Bound
#LB-JD (print run: 100)

2001 Topps Traded Golden
Anniversary Autographs #TTA-JD

2002 Topps Autographs #TA5

2001 Absolute Memorabilia Boss Hoggs
#BH24 008/150 (first 25 are "Boss")

2001 Absolute Memorabilia Ball Hoggs
#BH24 113/150

2002 Topps Chrome Summer School Top of the
Order Relics #TOC-JD

2002 Topps Summer School Hit and Run
Relics #HRR-JD

2001 Topps Traded Relics Jersey #TTR-JD

2001 Topps Traded Relics Bat #TTR-JD

1993 SP RC #273

2001 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #66 93/99

2001 Donruss Season Stat Line #86

2001 E-X Essential Credentials #53

2001 Fleer Legacy Ultimate #22 131/250

2001 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Gold #62 06/25

2001 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Red #62 48/75

2001 MLB Showdown Pennant Run
Foil #119

2001 Topps Chrome Traded
Retrofractors #T86

2001 Topps Stars Elimination #56
(print run: 100)

2002 Fleer Triple Crown RBI Parallel
#94 02/49

2002 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity
#19 A's 060/100


Ramon Hernandez:

1999 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #161 07/25

1999 Bowman Chrome International
Refractors #161 071/100

2000 Bowman Chrome Retro/Future Refractors #394

1998 Bowman's Best Atomic Refractors #127 097/100

1999 Bowman's Best Atomic
Refractors #125 031/100

2002 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #13 37/50

2002 Topps Chrome Black
Refractors #143 05/50

2003 Topps Chrome Uncirculated
X-Fractors #158 23/50

2003 Topps Black #191 50/52

2004 Topps Black #34 50/53

2000 Ultra Platinum Medallion #278P 16/25

1998 Bowman Certified Blue
Autographs #70

1998 Bowman Certified Gold
Autographs #70

2000 Crown Royale Sweet Spot Signatures #19

2001 Topps HD Clear Jerseys #HDCR6

1997 Bowman Chrome International
Refractors RC #278

1998 Bowman Golden Anniversary
#155 49/50

1998 Bowman Chrome Golden
Anniversary #155 49/50

1998 Bowman International
Refractors #155

1999 Bowman Gold #161 93/99

1999 SP Top Prospects Destination
The Show #D15 058/100

1999 Stadium Club First Day Issue #352 105/200

1999 Stadium Club One of a Kind #352 072/150

1999 Upper Deck Exclusives Level 1 #446 001/100

1999 Upper Deck Exclusives Level 1 #446 001/100

2000 Bowman Gold #394 85/99

2000 Pacific Crown Collection
Platinum Blue #201 25/67

2000 Upper Deck Exclusives
Silver #456 011/100

2001 Pacific Extreme LTD #307 08/45

2001 Pacific Premiere Date #307 33/36

2001 Upper Deck Exclusives Silver #59 088/100

2001 Upper Deck Exclusives Gold #59 24/25

2002 Fleer Mini #396 08/50

2002 Fleer Premium Star Rubies
#SR78 110/125

2002 Fleer Triple Crown RBI
Parallel #86 34/60

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man
Electric Rainbow #39 37/40

2003 Donruss Season Stat Line #178

2003 Topps Chrome Black Refractors #158

2003 Upper Deck 40-Man Rainbow
#48 11/40

2004 Donruss Season Stat Line
#170 29/78

2004 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors
#34 (print run: 63)


Omar Quintanilla:

2005 Topps Update Printing Plate
Magenta #UH106 1/1

2005 Topps Update Printing Plate
Magenta #UH106 1/1

2005 Topps Chrome Update Printing
Plate Cyan #UH101 1/1

2005 Topps Chrome Update Printing
Plate Cyan #UH101 1/1

2004 Bowman's Best Double Play
Autographs #DPA-QS
Quintanilla/Snyder (print run: 236)

2005 Bowman Autographs Red Ink
#141 (print run: 25)

2005 Topps Opening Day Autographs #ODA-OQ

2004 Bowman Chrome
Gold Refractors #199 47/50

2004 Bowman Chrome X-Fractors
#199 131/172

2004 Bowman Heritage Mahogany #273 18/25

2004 Bowman Sterling Black
Refractors #BS-OQ 05/16

2004 Topps Black #677 38/53

2004 Topps Pristine Gold Refractors
#164 36/41

2004 Topps Pristine Gold Refractors
#165 35/41

2004 Topps Pristine Gold Refractors
#166 29/41

2004 Topps Pristine Refractors
#166 18/49

2005 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #141 32/50

2005 Topps Chrome Update Red
X-Fractors #UH101 46/65


Adam Morrissey:

2003 Donruss Champions Holo-Foil
Atlantic City National #181 1/1

2003 Donruss Champions Holo-Foil
Atlantic City National #181 1/1

2002 Topps Traded Chrome Black
Refractor #T261 033/100

2004 Donruss Team Heroes
Autographs #299 15/16

2003 Studio Private Signings #64
004/100 Nickname Variation

2003 Studio Atlantic City National
#64 4/5

2003 Donruss Champions Atlantic
City National #181

2003 Donruss Champions Holo-Foil
#181 13/25

2003 Upper Deck 40-Man Rainbow
#45 30/40

2004 Donruss Team Heroes
Showdown Gold #299 03/10

2004 Donruss Team Heroes
Showdown Silver #299 21/50


Freddie Bynum:

2001 Bowman Chrome RC #334
Autograph 67/500

2006 Exquisite Collection Dual Rookie Signatures
Gold #72 Bynum/Ramirez 04/30

2006 Sweet Spot Update Rookie Signatures
Bat Barrel Blue Ink #122 10/10

2006 Sweet Spot Update Rookie Signatures
#122 016/100

2006 Sweet Spot Update Rookie Signatures
Red-Blue Stitch Red Ink #122 098/100

2003 Upper Deck 40-Man
Rainbow #44 39/40

2007 Topps Update Copper
#UH146 08/56

2008 Topps Update Black
#UH3 17/57


Various One of Ones:

2004 Bowman Chrome Draft Printing Plate
Magenta #BDP34 Richie Robnett 1/1

2004 Bowman Chrome Draft
Printing Plate Magenta #BDP34
Richie Robnett 1/1

2004 Bowman Draft Printing Plate
Yellow #BDP34 Richie Robnett 1/1

2004 Bowman Draft Printing Plate
Yellow #BDP34 Richie Robnett 1/1

2004 Playoff Honors Credits Platinum
#248 Graham Koonce 1/1

2004 Playoff Honors Credits Platinum
#248 Graham Koonce 1/1

2004 Topps Total Printing Plate
Yellow #778 Eric Karros 1/1

2004 Topps Total Printing Plate
Yellow #778 Eric Karros 1/1

2005 Topps Printing Plate Cyan
#560 Octavio Dotel 1/1

2005 Topps Printing Plate Cyan
#560 Octavio Dotel 1/1

2005 Topps Total Printing Plate Black #619
Tim Harikkala/Ricardo Rincon 1/1

2005 Topps Total Printing Plate Black
#619 Harikkala/Rincon 1/1

2007 Bowman Signs of the Future
Printing Plate Magenta #SOF-JB
John Baker 1/1

2007 Bowman Signs of the Future
Printing Plate Magenta #SOF-JB
John Baker 1/1

2015 Topps Gypsy Queen Walk Off Winners
Printing Plate Cyan #GWO12 Scott Hatteberg 1/1

2015 Topps Gypsy Queen Walk Off
Winners Printing Plate Cyan
#GWO12 Scott Hatteberg 1/1


Favorite Autographs:

2001 Sweet Spot Signatures #S-AH Art Howe

2004 SP Prospects Link to the Future Dual
Autographs #LF-JR Andruw Jones/Richie Robnett

2002 Topps #376 Cory Lidle Autograph
PSA/DNA Certified

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Emerald Autographs #242
Shane Bazzell 02/05

2005 Donruss Signature Autograph
Gold Master Series #95 Art Howe

2005 Zenith Z-Jerseygraphs Prime
#ZB41 Eric Byrnes 08/25

1999 Stadium Club Co-Signers #CS23

2000 Bowman Draft Autographs
#BDPA Eric Byrnes

2000 Revolution MLB Game Ball
Signatures #24 Billy Koch

2000 Revolution MLB Game Ball
Signatures #16 Adam Piatt

2000 Topps Traded Autographs
#TTA37 Miguel Olivo

2001 Bowman Draft Autographs
#BDPA-RL Ryan Ludwick

2001 Donruss Elite Turn of the Century
Autographs #167 Jason Hart
0029/1000 (first 100 signed)

2001 Donruss Elite Turn of the Century
Autographs #181 Jose Ortiz
0009/1000 (first 100 signed)

2001 Donruss Signature Proofs
Autograph #118 Jason Hart 18/25

2001 Fleer Autographics Gold Adam Piatt 08/50

2001 Fleer Showcase Sweet Sigs Leather Jose Ortiz

2001 Fleer Showcase Sweet Sigs Lumber Jose Ortiz

2001 Fleer Showcase Sweet Sigs Wall Jose Ortiz

2001 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Red Freshman
Fabric Autograph #118 Jason Hart 15/75

2001 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Red Freshman
Fabric Autograph #132 Jose Ortiz 35/75

2001 Leaf Rookies and Stars Autographs
#282 Eric Hinske (print run: 250)

2001 Stadium Club Co-Signers #CO6

2001 Topps Golden Anniversary
Autographs #GAA-EB Eric Byrnes

2001 Topps Golden Anniversary
Autographs #GAA-KG Kevin Gregg

2001 Topps Reserve Rookie Autographs PSA
#137 Ryan Ludwick 0788/1500 PSA8 (555 signed)

2002 Absolute Memorabilia Absolutely Ink #AI8
Carlos Pena

2002 Donruss Elite Turn of the Century
Autographs #167 Bert Snow
0144/1500 (first 150 signed)

2002 Studio Private Signings #142
Jeremy Giambi 072/100

2002 Studio Private Signings #190
Carlos Pena 042/100

2003 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors Autograph RC #340
Gary Schneidmiller (print run: 50)

2003 Bowman Chrome X-Fractors
Autograph RC #340
Gary Schneidmiller (print run: 250)

2003 Bowman's Best Blue Autograph
#BB-GS Gary Schneidmiller
(print run: 50)

2003 Bowman's Best Blue Autograph
#BB-JV Joe Valentine
(print run: 50)

2003 Bowman's Best Red Autograph
#BB-GS Gary Schneidmiller
(print run: 25)

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold Autographs #242 Shane Bazzell

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold Autographs #243 Joe Valentine

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue Autographs #242 Shane Bazzell

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue Autographs #243 Joe Valentine

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Red Autographs #242 Shane Bazzell

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Red Autographs #243 Joe Valentine

2003 SPx Spectrum Autograph/Jersey #170
Shane Bazzell 09/25

2004 Bowman Autographs Red Ink
#173 Brad Sullivan (print run: 25)

2004 Bowman's Best Triple Play
Autographs #TPA-ALS Aardsma/
Levinski/Sullivan (print run: 236)

2004 Donruss Elite Extra Edition
Signature Aspirations Gold #306
Richie Robnett 15/25

2004 Donruss Elite Extra Edition
Signature Status #306
Richie Robnett 08/50

2004 Hot Prospects Draft Die Cuts #87
Richie Robnett Autograph PSA 9 (print run: 61)

2004 Hot Prospects Draft Red Hot #87
Richie Robnett Autograph 05/25

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Emerald Autographs #244 Graham
Koonce 1/5

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold Autographs #244 Graham Koonce

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold Autographs #276 Mike Rouse

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue Autographs #244 Graham Koonce

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue Autographs #276 Mike Rouse

2004 SP Prospects Draft Duos Dual Autographs
#DD-RP Richie Robnett/Danny Putnam 007/175

2004 Topps Chrome Refractors
Autograph COR #234 Brad Sullivan
(correct print run: 80)

2004 Topps Chrome Refractors
Autograph ERR #345 Brad Sullivan
(error print run: 20)

2004 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors
Autograph ERR #345 Brad Sullivan
36/50 (error print run: 10)

2005 Studio Private Signings #209
Octavio Dotel 030/100

2006 Sweet Spot Update Rookie Signatures
#160 Mike Rouse 056/100

2015 Topps Archives Fan Favorites
Autographs Gold #FFA-SH
Scott Hatteberg 26/50

2015 Topps Archives Fan Favorites
Autographs Silver #FFA-SH
Scott Hatteberg 138/199

2015 Topps Archives Fan Favorites
Autographs #FFA-SH
Scott Hatteberg

2021 Topps Archives Fan Favorites
Autographs #FFA-RW Ron Washington


Favorite Game-Used Cards:

2001 Upper Deck Gold Glove Leather Bound
#LB-JI Jason Isringhausen (print run: 100)

2002 Topps Coaches Collection Relics #CC-AH
Art Howe

2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection Bat Around
Quads #BA-JMEG Justice/E.Martinez/Erstad/J.Gonzalez

2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection Bat Around
Quads #BA-TROJ Thome/A-Rod/Ordonez/Justice

2001 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Gold Freshman
Fabric #118 Jason Hart 10/25

2001 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Gold Freshman
Fabric #132 Jose Ortiz 07/25

2001 SP Game Used Edition Authentic
Fabric #JI Jason Isringhausen SP

2002 Bowman's Best Gold #150
Chris Tritle

2002 Hot Prospects MLB Red Hot Tandems #CP-CP
Carlos Pena/Corey Patterson 02/10

2002 Hot Prospects MLB Red Hot Materials #HM-CP
Carlos Pena 30/50

2002 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold #162 Franklyn German 24/25

2002 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold #106 Jeremy Giambi 11/25

2002 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue #162 Franklyn German 59/75

2002 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue #106 Jeremy Giambi 36/75

2002 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Red #106 Jeremy Giambi 123/150

2002 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Red #162 Franklyn German 142/150

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Super Swatch
#S-DJ David Justice 207/250

2002 Upper Deck MVP Souvenirs
Bat #B-DJ David Justice

2003 Upper Deck Vintage Dropping the Hammer
#DH-DJ David Justice

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue Bat #61 Erubiel Durazo 068/100

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Red Bat #61 Erubiel Durazo 051/250

2005 Bowman Heritage Future Greatness
Rainbow Relics #FG-JGA Jairo Garcia 18/51


Favorite Other Inserts/Parallels 2001 and Before:

2000 Bowman Chrome Retro/Future Refractors
#304 Eric Byrnes UER (pic is Bo Porter)

2000 Bowman Chrome Retro/Future Refractors
#343 Miguel Olivo

2000 Bowman Chrome Retro/Future Refractors
#345 Roberto Vaz

2000 Bowman Chrome Retro/Future Refractors
#240 Michael Wenner UER (pic is Terrence Long)

2000 E-X Essential Credentials Future
#73 Adam Piatt 15/18

2000 E-X Essential Credentials Now
#73 Adam Piatt 08/13

2000 Fleer Showcase Legacy
Collection #105 Adam Piatt 09/20

2000 Paramount Platinum Blue
#174 Randy Velarde 29/67

2000 Paramount Premiere Date #174
Randy Velarde 12/50

2000 SkyBox Premium Star
Rubies Extreme #232SRE
Adam Piatt 04/50

2000 SPx Radiance #106
Adam Piatt 059/100

2000 Stadium Club First Day Issue
#212 021/150

2000 Stadium Club One of a Kind
#212 Adam Piatt 099/150

2000 Topps MVP Promotion
Kevin Appier (print run: 100)

2000 Topps Gold Label Class 3
Gold #54 Adam Piatt 067/100

2000 Topps Stars Metallic Blue
#181 Adam Piatt SPOT 19/99

2000 Upper Deck Exclusives Silver
#189 Olmedo Saenz 004/100

2001 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #269 Eric Byrnes 41/99

2001 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #281 Jason Hart 78/99

2001 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #172 Ryan Ludwick 02/99

2001 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #296 Jose Ortiz 88/99

2001 Bowman Chrome RC #172
Ryan Ludwick

2001 Donruss Class of 2001
First Class #286 Erik Hiljus 41/50

2001 Donruss Class of 2001
First Class #281 Ryan Ludwick 20/50

2001 Donruss Class of 2001
First Class #131 Bert Snow 35/50

2001 Donruss Elite Status #49
Adam Piatt 09/36

2001 Donruss Elite Aspirations #167
Jason Hart 43/63

2001 Donruss Elite Aspirations
#181 Jose Ortiz 12/98

2001 Donruss Elite Aspirations
#49 Adam Piatt 58/64

2001 Donruss Signature Proofs
#294 Erik Hiljus 19/25

2001 E-X Essential Credentials #126
Eric Byrnes 14/29

2001 Fleer Premium Star Rubies
#SR112 Jeremy Giambi 079/125

2001 Fleer Premium Star Rubies
#SR225 Jason Hart 086/125

2001 Fleer Premium Star Rubies
#SR85 Adam Piatt 004/125

2001 Fleer Showcase Legacy #155
Bert Snow 03/50

2001 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity
#162 Eric Hiljus 19/25

2001 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity
#285 Juan Pena 16/25

2001 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity
#290 Bert Snow 17/25

2001 Pacific Extreme LTD #309
Jason Isringhausen 05/45

2001 Pacific Premiere Date
#481 Eric Byrnes 17/36

2001 Pacific Premiere Date
#306 Gil Heredia 23/36

2001 Pacific Premiere Date
#482 Jose Ortiz 15/36

2001 Pacific Premiere Date
#315 Randy Velarde 29/36

2001 SPx Spectrum #116
Juan Pena 47/50

2001 Topps Chrome Retrofractors #642
Oakland Athletics Team

2001 Topps Chrome Retrofractors
#137 Kevin Appier

2001 Topps Chrome Retrofractors
#291 Choi/McNeal/Hart

2001 Topps Chrome Retrofractors
#266 Art Howe

2001 Topps Chrome Retrofractors
#117 Jason Isringhausen

2001 Upper Deck Exclusives Silver
#34 Josue Espada 010/100

2001 Upper Deck Exclusives Silver
#58 Jason Isringhausen 066/100


Favorite Other Inserts/Parallels 2002:

2002 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #175 Matt Allegra 41/50

2002 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #292 Eric Byrnes 40/50

2002 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #364 Franklyn German

2002 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #285 Carlos Pena 35/50

2002 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #294 John Rheinecker

2002 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #155 John Suomi 46/50

2002 Bowman Chrome Draft Gold
Refractors #BDP81 John Baker

2002 Bowman Chrome Draft Gold
Refractors #BDP35 Jeremy Brown

2002 Bowman Chrome Draft Gold
Refractors #BDP27 Mark Kiger

2002 Bowman Chrome Draft Gold
Refractors #BDP26 John McCurdy

2002 Bowman Chrome Draft Gold
Refractors #BDP28 Bill Murphy

2002 Bowman Chrome Draft Gold
Refractors #BDP37 Steve Obenchain

2002 Bowman Chrome Draft Gold
Refractors #BDP67 Steve Stanley 29/50

2002 Bowman Chrome Draft Gold
Refractors #BDP115 Mike Wood

2002 Bowman Heritage Chrome
Gold Refractors #63BHC
Carlos Pena 094/175

2002 Donruss Season Stat Line
#186 Ryan Ludwick 015/103

2002 Donruss Elite Aspirations
#119 Carlos Pena 01/19

2002 Donruss Elite Aspirations #167
Bert Snow 07/40

2002 Donruss Elite Status #168
Franklyn German 03/61

2002 Donruss Elite Status #119
Carlos Pena 76/81

2002 Donruss Elite Status #167
Bert Snow 34/60

2002 Fleer Mini #105
Jeremy Giambi 07/50

2002 Fleer Platinum Parallel #193
Jeremy Giambi 093/202

2002 Fleer Premium Star Rubies
#SR215 Bert Snow 052/125

2002 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity
#27 Ray Durham A's 033/100

2002 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity
#78 Scott Hatteberg 064/100

2002 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity
#250 Jason Isringhausen A's

2002 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity
#76 Billy Koch A's 021/100

2002 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity
#43 Carlos Pena A's 058/100

2002 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity
#309 Franklyn German 08/25

2002 Topps Chrome Black Refractors
#236 Jeremy Giambi 04/50

2002 Topps Chrome Black Refractors
#299 Art Howe 24/50

2002 Topps Chrome Black Refractors
#189 Jason Isringhausen 50/50

2002 Topps Chrome Black Refractors
#39 Frank Menechino 12/50

2002 Topps Chrome Black Refractors
#554 Adam Piatt 08/50

2002 Topps Chrome Black Refractors
#234 Olmedo Saenz 24/50

2002 Topps Traded Chrome Black
Refractors #T158 Jason Arnold 046/100

2002 Topps Traded Chrome Black
Refractors #T134 Neal Cotts

2002 Topps Traded Chrome Black
Refractors #T258 Michael Frick

2002 Topps Traded Chrome Black
Refractors #T96 John Mabry 027/100

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric
Rainbow #56 Chad Bradford 37/40

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric
Rainbow #54 Mike Colangelo 21/40

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric
Rainbow #58 Mike Fyhrie 07/40

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric
Rainbow #62 Franklyn German 26/40

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric
Rainbow #53 Jeremy Giambi 08/40

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric
Rainbow #37 Scott Hatteberg 20/40

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric
Rainbow #59 Erik Hiljus 18/40

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric
Rainbow #55 Mike Holtz 16/40

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric
Rainbow #43 David Justice 05/40

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric
Rainbow #48 Billy Koch 23/40

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric
Rainbow #44 Mike Magnante 31/40

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric
Rainbow #40 Jim Mecir 09/40

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric
Rainbow #42 Greg Myers 29/40

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric
Rainbow #49 Carlos Pena 03/40

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric
Rainbow #60 Juan Pena 13/40

2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric
Rainbow #52 Randy Velarde 25/40


Favorite Other Inserts/Parallels 2003:

2003 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors
#217 Jairo Garcia 125/170

2003 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors
#259 Derell McCall 042/170

2003 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors
#270 Mike Neu 121/170

2003 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #166 Joe Valentine

2003 Bowman Chrome Draft Gold
Refractors #BDP87 Trent Peterson

2003 Donruss Season Stat Line
#110 Ray Durham 18/26

2003 Donruss Season Stat Line
#175 Scott Hatteberg 04/61

2003 Donruss Season Stat Line
#173 Billy Koch 32/44

2003 Donruss Rookies Season Stat Line
#54 Shane Bazzell 05/12

2003 Donruss Rookies Career Stat Line
#54 Shane Bazzell 25/27

2003 E-X Essential Credentials Future
#53 Eric Byrnes 29/50

2003 E-X Essential Credentials Now
#53 Eric Byrnes 35/53

2003 Fleer Authentix #124
Rontrez Johnson 0001/1850

2003 Fleer Authentix #124
Rontrez Johnson 0001/1850

2003 Leaf Press Proofs Blue
#85 Ray Durham 03/50

2003 Leaf Press Proofs Blue
#79 Billy Koch 23/50

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Emerald #242 Shane Bazzell 01/05

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
#242 Shane Bazzell 42/50

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue #243 Joe Valentine 13/50

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold #242 Shane Bazzell 16/25

2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold #243 Joe Valentine 23/25

2003 Playoff Prestige Atlantic
City National #65 Ray Durham 3/5

2003 Topps Black #650
Athletics Team 27/52

2003 Topps Black #29
Chad Bradford 47/52

2003 Topps Black #401
Eric Byrnes 47/52

2003 Topps Black #579
Keith Foulke 52/52

2003 Topps Black #579
Keith Foulke 52/52

2003 Topps Black #62
Scott Hatteberg 37/52

2003 Topps Black #282
Art Howe 04/52

2003 Topps Black #154
David Justice 50/52

2003 Topps Black #318
Derell McCall 19/52

2003 Topps Black #483
Adam Piatt 42/52

2003 Topps Black #371
Chris Singleton 51/52

2003 Topps Chrome X-Fractors #248
Eric Byrnes 24/57

2003 Topps Chrome X-Fractors #388
Keith Foulke 28/57

2003 Topps Chrome X-Fractors #217
Derell McCall 49/50

2003 Topps Chrome Traded X-Fractors
#T40 Erubiel Durazo 12/25

2003 Topps Chrome Traded X-Fractors
#T70 Jeremy Fikac 11/25

2003 Topps Chrome Traded X-Fractors
#T236 Ben Fritz 01/25

2003 Topps Chrome Traded X-Fractors
#T111 Jose Guillen 10/25

2003 Topps Chrome Traded X-Fractors
#T95 John Halama 08/25

2003 Topps Chrome Traded X-Fractors
#T275 Mike Neu 02/25

2003 Topps Chrome Traded X-Fractors
#T156 John Rheinecker 21/25

2003 Topps Chrome Traded X-Fractors
#T248 Gary Schneidmiller 09/25

2003 Topps Chrome Black Refractors
#248 Eric Byrnes 004/199

2003 Topps Chrome Black Refractors
#388 Keith Foulke 188/199

2003 Topps Chrome Black Refractors
#110 Scott Hatteberg 069/199

2003 Topps Chrome Black Refractors
#191 David Justice 070/199

2003 Topps Chrome Black Refractors
#223 Chris Singleton 134/199

2003 Topps Chrome Silver
Refractors #248 Eric Byrnes

2003 Topps Chrome Silver
Refractors #223 Chris Singleton

2003 Topps Pristine Refractors #89
Erubiel Durazo 29/99

2003 Topps Pristine Gold Refractors
#89 Erubiel Durazo 12/69

2003 Topps Pristine Gold Refractors
#173 Shane Bazzell 64/69

2003 Topps Pristine Gold Refractors
#174 Shane Bazzell 34/69

2003 Topps Pristine Gold Refractors
#175 Shane Bazzell 23/69

2003 Topps Pristine Gold Refractors
#164 Gary Schneidmiller 52/69

2003 Topps Pristine Gold Refractors
#165 Gary Schneidmiller 67/69

2003 Topps Pristine Gold Refractors
#166 Gary Schneidmiller 51/69

2003 Upper Deck 40-Man Rainbow
#49 Micah Bowie 02/40

2003 Upper Deck 40-Man Rainbow
#50 Chad Bradford 02/40

2003 Upper Deck 40-Man Rainbow
#51 Eric Byrnes 39/40

2003 Upper Deck 40-Man Rainbow
#46 Jeremy Fikac 36/40

2003 Upper Deck 40-Man Rainbow
#36 Scott Hatteberg 03/40

2003 Upper Deck 40-Man Rainbow
#54 Mark Johnson 34/40

2003 Upper Deck 40-Man Rainbow
#39 John Halama 19/40

2003 Upper Deck 40-Man Rainbow
#42 Jim Mecir 27/40

2003 Upper Deck 40-Man Rainbow
#37 Chris Singleton 37/40

2003 Upper Deck 40-Man Rainbow
#896 Shane Bazzell 31/40

2003 Upper Deck Honor Roll Gold
#135 Shane Bazzell 15/25


Favorite Other Inserts/Parallels 2004:

2004 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #298 Marcus McBeth

2004 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #323 Casey Myers

2004 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #324 Mike Rouse

2004 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #173 Brad Sullivan

2004 Bowman Chrome Gold
Refractors #218 Don Sutton

2004 Bowman Chrome Draft Gold
Refractors #BDP65 Danny Putnam

2004 Bowman Chrome Draft Gold
Refractors #BDP34 Richie Robnett

2004 Bowman Chrome Draft Gold
Refractors #BDP125 Jairo Garcia

2004 Bowman Chrome Uncirculated
X-Fractors #173 Brad Sullivan 153/172

2004 Donruss Season Stat Line
#165 Erubiel Durazo 64/77

2004 Donruss Season Stat Line
#250 Jose Guillen 38/45

2004 Donruss Season Stat Line
#162 Chris Singleton 11/75

2004 Donruss Elite Status #15
Keith Foulke 18/29

2004 Donruss Elite Status #154
Graham Koonce 13/18

2004 Donruss Elite Status Gold #6
Jose Guillen 14/24

2004 Donruss Elite Extra Edition Status
#306 Richie Robnett 05/18

2004 Donruss Elite Extra Edition
Aspirations Gold #306 Richie Robnett

2004 Donruss Elite Extra Edition
Aspirations Gold #348 Jason Windsor

2004 Donruss Elite Extra Edition
Aspirations #348 Jason Windsor

2004 Leaf Certified Cuts Marble Blue #145
Eric Byrnes 32/50

2004 Leaf Certified Cuts Marble Blue #91
Octavio Dotel 25/50

2004 Leaf Certified Cuts Marble Gold #145
Eric Byrnes 15/25

2004 Leaf Certified Cuts Marble Gold #91
Octavio Dotel 05/25

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold #61 Erubiel Durazo 20/25

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold #244 Graham Koonce 13/25

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold #276 Mike Rouse 17/25

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue #61 Erubiel Durazo 27/50

2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue #276 Mike Rouse 43/50

2004 Throwback Threads Platinum
Proof #146 Erubiel Durazo 03/10

2004 Topps Black #658
Athletics Team 50/53

2004 Topps Black #247
Chad Bradford 16/53

2004 Topps Black #263
Eric Byrnes 26/53

2004 Topps Black #151
Erubiel Durazo 08/53

2004 Topps Black #99
John Halama 49/53

2004 Topps Black #492
Scott Hatteberg 03/53

2004 Topps Black #406
Eric Karros 36/53

2004 Topps Black #583
Bobby Kielty 03/53

2004 Topps Black #287
Ken Macha 04/53

2004 Topps Black #314
Marcus McBeth 38/53

2004 Topps Black #301
Casey Myers 46/53

2004 Topps Black #412
Mark Redman 45/53

2004 Topps Black #637
Arthur Rhodes 27/53

2004 Topps Black #669
Brad Sullivan 27/53

2004 Topps All-Time Fan Favorites
Refractors #89 Billy Beane 188/299

2004 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors
#192 Eric Byrnes (print run: 63)

2004 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors
#445 Scott Hatteberg (print run: 61)

2004 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors
#406 Eric Karros (print run: 61)

2004 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors
#326 Bobby Kielty (print run: 61)

2004 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors
#215 Marcus McBeth (print run: 63)

2004 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors
#412 Mark Redman (print run: 61)

2004 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors
#367 Arthur Rhodes (print run: 61)

2004 Topps Chrome Traded X-Fractors
#T151 Mike Rouse 09/20

2004 Topps Heritage Chrome Black Refractors
#THC71 Marcus McBeth 08/55

2004 Topps Heritage Chrome Black Refractors
#THC72 Bradley Sullivan 14/55

2004 Topps Heritage Chrome Refractors
#THC71 Marcus McBeth 477/555

2004 Topps Heritage Chrome Refractors
#THC93 Casey Myers 206/555

2004 Topps Heritage Chrome Refractors
#THC72 Bradley Sullivan 314/555

2004 Ultra Platinum Medallion #258
Octavio Dotel 063/100

2004 Ultra Platinum Medallion #355
Justin Lehr 028/100

2004 Upper Deck Vintage #386
Erubiel Durazo 3D SP

2004 Upper Deck Vintage #387
Jose Guillen 3D SP


Favorite Other Inserts/Parallels 2005 and Later:

2005 Donruss 25th Anniversary
#283 Eric Byrnes 17/25

2005 Donruss 25th Anniversary
#209 Octavio Dotel 24/25

2005 Donruss Signature Century Proofs
Platinum #91 Octavio Dotel 05/10

2005 Donruss Signature Century Proofs
Platinum #95 Art Howe 07/10

2005 Leaf Century Post Marks
Gold #85 Eric Byrnes 49/50

2005 Leaf Century Post Marks
Gold #186 Octavio Dotel 42/50

2005 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold #62 Eric Byrnes 11/25

2005 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Gold #172 Octavio Dotel 21/25

2005 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror
Blue #62 Eric Byrnes 17/50

2005 Leaf Limited Spotlight Gold
#59 Octavio Dotel 19/25

2005 Throwback Threads Platinum
Blue Century Proof #73
Octavio Dotel 10/10

2005 Topps Black #37
Eric Byrnes 22/54

2005 Topps Black #63
Erubiel Durazo 20/54

2005 Topps Black #99
Scott Hatteberg 39/54

2005 Topps Black #287
Ken Macha 32/54

2005 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors
#37 Eric Byrnes 09/25

2005 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors
#63 Erubiel Durazo 19/25

2005 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors
#99 Scott Hatteberg 17/25

2005 Topps Pack Wars Foil #98
Eric Byrnes 40/56

2005 Topps Pack Wars Foil #139
Scott Hatteberg 22/56

2005 Topps Turkey Red Gold
#187 Erubiel Durazo 50/50

005 Topps Turkey Red Gold
#187 Erubiel Durazo 50/50

2005 Ultra Platinum Medallion #170
Scott Hatteberg 24/50

2005 Upper Deck Exclusives Gold
#380 Eric Byrnes 60/99

2005 Upper Deck Exclusives Gold
#381 Erubiel Durazo 03/99

2006 Topps Black #111
Erubiel Durazo 12/55

2006 Topps Black #4
Scott Hatteberg 32/55

2006 Upper Deck Special F/X
Blue #337 Scott Hatteberg

2006 Upper Deck Special F/X
Red #327 Erubiel Durazo 14/50



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